Friday, November 16, 2012

Fashion Friday - Mustard

Well I totally meant to post this days ago, but this week got away from me!  I have been a crazy, outfit pinning fool lately on pinterest and decided I really needed to start using my pins for daily outfit inspiration.  I have been obsessed with mustard tones this fall (if you told me this a few years ago, I probably would have said ewwww) and have recently purchased a mustard skirt, and cardigan (seen here!) both from The Limited.  So I have kept my eyes peeled when stalking pinterest to find ways to utilize both.  Which brings us to exhibit A:


I had all the essentials to create this look so I was pumped!  While getting ready I thought about trying it with my 'ol faithful Steve Madden boots (that everyone and their mother seems to have - even my Mom has some similar!) and ended up being faced with a decision:

Excuse my creepy mirror selfies...

I instantly was sold on the boots option (mainly because I love the cozy feeling of socks + tights) but plan to utilize the pumps option in the future.  I sorta felt like I stepped out of Nashville, but I was ok with that!  Yay for outfit inspirations!

Shirt - Forever 21 (similar)

Skirt - The Limited

Sweater - Loft, from 2009! (similar)

Tights - Who knows?!  Target I think.

Boots - Steve Madden 

Necklace - Premier Designs (from when I hosted a party last year)

Happy Friday!! :)

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