I have currently found myself OBSESSED with leopard print! It goes with everything and can make an outfit pop! I find myself thinking up random outfits (and getting inspired by pinterest and blogs) and dreamed up this little number this morning while working out at boot camp (because I am pretty much always thinking about what I am going to eat, or what I am going to wear while working out):

Shirt – Frenzi (random h00chie store in Lewisville)
Pants – Limited, Cassidy Fit Bootcut (from 2010)
Belt – Limited
Shoes – Payless (from 2011) Similar
I went to limited yesterday because I had an expiring coupon, and haven’t been in there in what felt like forever! I made out like a bandit! Most everything was 40% off on top of my coupon. I ended up getting the above mentioned leopard belt, 2 cardigans, the cutest iPhone cover I have ever seen, and a random ring (to push my total to 100 so I could get $30) off. My total was only $56! I guess I won’t be upgrading to the new iPhone 5 anytime soon – this cover is too cute!! It will keep me happy with the iPhone 4 for the time being! Happy Wednesday!
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