Shirt -Express Scarf - random mass scarf purchase via groupon (don't ask haha) Pants - Limited Boots - Steve Madden (also seen here) Purse - recent Target clearance find! :)
Friday, January 31, 2014
Get Pin-spired - January
Shirt -Express Scarf - random mass scarf purchase via groupon (don't ask haha) Pants - Limited Boots - Steve Madden (also seen here) Purse - recent Target clearance find! :)
Thursday, January 30, 2014
The Glam Series - Face Time
Friday, January 24, 2014
5 on Friday - The Sick Edition
Thursday, January 23, 2014
The Glam Series Linkup - Skin Routine
I am excited to participate in Jordan's fun new linkup about favorite beauty products! I am excited to discover some new tricks and products and also share with you some of my own. The first week of this linkup is all about skin!
So growing up I felt like I always struggled with my skin. It was never terrible but never flawless. I have switched up my skin routine many many times, but I feel like I have settled into a pretty good routine now and have been pretty pleased with the results! Introducing my skin routine BFFs!
Clarisonic Plus
Introducing the Clarisonic Plus! I got this for my birthday a few years ago from my parents and it was one of those gifts that I didn't ask for, but was a very pleasant surprise. Mine didn't come with all the stuff in the above photo, I just tried to find the one with the same pattern as mine because I think it's pretty! :) My mom had heard about how great these were and knew how I have always been sensitive about my skin and tried a bunch of products so thought I should give this a shot. I was hooked from my first use! It felt like I was getting a mini facial every time I washed my face! I don't use it every night (even though I should) but I can definitely tell the difference in my skin if I haven't used my Clarisonic in a few days. After a few weeks I remember getting compliments from friends asking what new product I had been using. I have since got many friends on board the Clarisonic bandwagon including my mom and sister. They both have the Mia variety and it seems to work the same. The only difference is that mine has different speeds and beeps to let me know when to move to the next area of my face.
Philosophy Purity Made Simple
I received a sample of Philosophy Purity Made Simple in my Birchbox about two years ago and have been hooked ever since. I love this cleanser because it is very gentle and mild and leaves my skin feeling soft. I like it so much I buy it in the bulk 32 oz size! I like that it includes the pump. It lasts me for about a year and is a great investment. My mom usually hooks me up w/ one every Christmas so I have a constant supply of my favorite cleanser! :)
Nerium AD
Have you heard of this stuff yet? My friend Jenn starting selling Nerium back in November and when she told me about it, it was totally new to me. Since then, I feel like I have been hearing more and more about it. She told me about all of it's benefits and encouraged me to check out all the before and after pictures online. The pictures are crazy and I almost thought they were photoshopped because of the drastic changes I saw. This product is all natural and was developed by accident when they were trying to create a topical cure for skin cancer...they realized it wasn't a cure, but ended up being a game changer in skin care! I also have always known Jenn to have super sensitive skin, so the fact that she was backing this product enough to sell it, made me very interested to try it. She said it not only helps with anti-aging prevention (never too young to start!) but it also helps with overall tone and pore size (which I feel like I have always struggled with). Jenn gave me a 7 day sample of both the day and night cream and after about 2 days, I was hooked and already asking how I could place my order. The night cream smells a little "plant-like" but that is due to the fact that it is all natural and doesn't contain any perfumes. The day cream doesn't have the same smell but I love how it makes my makeup go on smooth and almost acts like a primer. It is a tad on the high end when it comes to price...but you get a discount if you sign up to have it on auto deliver (or as they call it, a "Preferred Customer"). I signed up to get both the day and night cream on the monthly delivery and it is $120. I do think that both the day and night bottles will last you longer than a month, so I am not sure how long I will keep getting it monthly, but it is much cheaper to get it this way than "a la carte" (about a $40 difference!). But so far, my skin has never looked better! It feels so smooth and I have noticed a significant difference in the size of my pores and I even noticed a wrinkle on my forehead has faded! It caught me off guard one day because it wasn't something I was overly concerned with so it was a nice surprise when I noticed it faded. I joked with my friend Jenn about how I wish this stuff made fat disappear. Wouldn't that be nice? Just to provide some proof of the disappearing wrinkle:
Ignore the redness...I just got out of the shower in both pics and my face tends to get red from the hot water. It is a small change but I think it's pretty drastic for only using the product for 3o days. I am excited to see how my skin improves with further use! If you are interested in trying Nerium, you can use this link which takes you directly to my customer page which gives me a referral bonus! :) Or, I encourage you to find someone you know that sells it and ask them to give you a 7 day trial. I promise you will love it (and if you don't they offer a money back guarantee)!
Thanks for stopping by! Hope I helped you discover some new products and I can't wait to read the other link-up posts to discover everyone else's favs! Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Workout Gadgets
Since we are at the start of a new year when all the healthy New Year's Resolutions are in full swing, I thought I would share some of my favorite workout gadgets.
Garmin Forerunner 305
{My watch at last weekend's 10k race}
I have had this watch for a few years. I asked for it for Christmas when I first got into long distance running. I have a hard time pacing myself so I always ended up starting my races much faster than my "happy pace" without realizing it and then I would find myself hitting a wall pretty fast. I did a lot of research on the Garmin watches and liked this one the best because it was simple (despite it's ginormous size) and easy to view all of the different metrics. It shows total run time, pace and distance on the main screen and when you scroll to the 2nd screen it shows fastest pace, lap time, and calories burned. It comes with a heart rate chest strap which will give you a more accurate calorie count, but it will still calculate the calories without the strap based on the weight/height you enter into the watch. I rarely wear the chest strap because I am not too concerned with the amount of calories burned when I go on a nice long run. I was a little disappointed that the watch and chest strap only worked for calculating calories when running or walking (it apparently calculates it based on your heart rate + distance/pace traveled). I learned that the hard way the first time I wore it to BodyPump and it showed up as 0 calories burned! Bummer! But overall I have enjoyed having this little ginormous gadget on my wrist while I run. It is an older model so there may be better ones out there, but for not this watch works for me!
PS Warning - this watch will attract comments from random people about it's size. I tend to get asked if I am an air traffic controller or an employee of NASA whenever I wear it to a race. Come on people, get creative!
Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor
As mentioned above, my running watch won't calculate calories for non-running related activities which is fine because I used to just enter in my workout activity based on the calories the Lose It app suggested. But after doing that (on and off) for years I started to get a bit more curious as to how many calories I actually was burning during my workouts. Especially because I recently started incorporating more barre workouts into my routine and I had no idea how many calories that burned because for the most part it is low impact (but still leaves you feeling the burn!). I looked into the FitBit and the Nike Fuel Band which are awesome because they can sync to your phone and you can see a ton of great stats...but I knew ultimately I wouldn't want to wear a gadget 24/7 and just wanted something to show me my calorie burn while actually working out. I have knew Polar was a great brand for heart rate monitors so started to pay attention to others at the gym and my cousin Stephanie just got a new fancy HRM for Christmas and gave me the heads up that this website had the best prices. I realized I didn't really need anything super fancy and opted for this model because it was A. Cheap and B. Cute. Priorities I tell ya!! So far this watch has worked out nicely and given me extra motivation during my workouts because I am excited to see how many calories I can burn during my workout classes.
{calories burned at BodyAttack}
What are your favorite workout gadgets?
Friday, January 17, 2014
5 on Friday!
Oh hey Friday! Glad to see you again! I've seen many bloggers participate in this link up and thought it sounded fun.
Today is the beginning of a 4 day weekend for me (yay for MLK day!) and after picking up my Boston BFF Elana we will be headed down 35 for a weekend in Austin with Jenn! The 3 of us were all roommates in college but all live in separate cities now so I am excited for a fun filled friends weekend!
The blonde days of college!
I've mentioned this before, but I am seriously in love with my Crockpot! I even had a dream about it the other night. I know. #creepy
I have successfully managed to ruin an entire dozen of eggs trying to experiment with healthy grab and go breakfast items. Does anyone have tips on how to achieve the perfect hardboiled egg???
I found a new kcup fav! Gevalia Caramel Machhiato. Stop whatever you are doing an go out and buy some! They are the best homemade-wannabe-coffeeshop-kcups I have tried! They come w/ a "froth" packet you pour in before you brew and when the coffee comes out it magically turns into a foamy delight!
I am proud that I have blogged so much this week! Still trying to figure everything out, but if you are reading...thank you! :)
PS You can also follow me on Bloglovin! {Follow my blog with Bloglovin}
Have a great long weekend!!!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Throwback Thursday - Eye Makeup Must Haves
Anastasia Beverly Hills Beauty Express for Brows and Eyes - This brow kit really finishes off my eye look. It comes with eyebrow stencils, wax, 2 shades of powder (I use the blonde kit and usually mix the 2 shades together), and 2 shades of highlighter. I don't use the stencils as much as I did when I first got this kit, but they are a big help with making my brows look shaped when my brows are in need to a shape up. I always feel extra put together when I finish my eye makeup look with the brow powder, but lately seem to only use it for a night out (gotta cut back somewhere when you are rushing out the door every morning!)There you have it! Hope you found a new product to try out! :)
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
The 3 Amigos
Well after dusting off this ol blog I found this post I typed up almost a year ago in Feb 2013 that I never posted.
Well hello there's been awhile, eh? I was hit with some writing inspiration today so I thought I would run with it. As the "winter" season wraps up, I started to think about all of my winter favs I will soon bid farewell for awhile. Today, I realized that I was wearing 3 of these items!
Exhibit A
Dear Express Red Jeans - oh how I love you! I have definitely worn you the most out of all my skinny jeans and I am sure you are the envy of all my other skinnies because I think they have caught on I like you the best. I can't help it - you are sassy, loud, fun, and are so versatile! I love finding new ways to wear you. Don't you worry, I plan to squeeze as much use out of you before pants are no longer comfortable to wear in the hot Texas heat!
Exhibit B
Dear Tan Polka Dot Old Navy Sweater - You were on my radar as soon as I saw you pop up all over Pinterest. I was dying to pair you with my turquoise skinnies but I searched and searched and couldn't find you in my size anywhere! Just when I was about to give up, I spotted you on one of those creepy "SuperModelquins" in my size and I politely asked a salesperson to strip you off of her and we have been together ever since. I have found several different ways to wear you, and hope to continue our relationship throughout the spring! PS You also almost made me lose my iPhone because I was so excited about finding you, I left my phone in the dressing room and luckily an employee found it and brought it up front as I was checking out. #crisisavoided
Homegirl 2nd from the left and I share the same fashion taste...I stripped her of another shirt recently too! Sorry girlie!
Exhibit C
Dear Steve Madden Intyce Boots - Even though it seems like every girl in Dallas owns you, I know I am your one and only. I bought you last year and wore you so much that I had to take you in to get your soles repaired before the start of the winter season (January 2014 edit: I also ended up getting the soles fixed a 2nd time in April 2013 before my trip to Spain...and they probably need a 3rd repair after all the use I got out of them while abroad!), but you have been as good as new ever since! I also noticed that you are on sale right now...which instantly made me angry (because I love a good deal) but now I am considering purchasing your fraternal twin in black. Would you be jealous??
January 2014 update - I do still own and love all 3 of those articles of clothing! I never did purchase the above mentioned "fraternal twin" of the Intyce boot, but I am proud to announce that my boot family has grown by 2 members with the purchase of the following 2 pairs of Miz Mooz with the encouragement of Schaeffer over at Pinterest Told Me To.
I almost feel a little silly that I have these in both brown and black but I first got the black pair during the Anniversary sale at Nordstrom this summer and couldn't wait until fall to bust them out. But since it basically went from summer to winter here in Dallas, I didn't realize my love for these boots until November which was perfect timing for me to snag the brown pair on Cyber Monday! Double score! I was in the market for a new brown pair because during my 2013 trip to Spain during the "coldest spring Madrid has had since the 1920s" I ended up wearing my Steve Madden pair every day and night so I have grown a little tired of them (and they are pretty worn).
In case you needed proof of me wearing "The Three Amigos"...this was taken in Madrid last April with my Boston Bestie Elana!
I am super excited because today is my first link up with 2 of my fav fellow Texas blog gals Shanna and Sarah!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Taste of Tuesday - Skinny Southwest Crockpot Chicken
Happy Tuesday! I am super excited to be linking up with Ashley and Jessica today! I have been reading both of their blogs for awhile so I am glad to finally participate in their weekly linkup!
As I mentioned in yesterday's post Santa brought me a Crockpot and I couldn't be more obsessed with it! I resisted the idea of a Crockpot for a few years with the hesitation that it would make way more food than I was willing to deal with. I usually only like eating leftovers for 1 or maybe 2 meals depending on how amazing the meal turns out. After a ton of searching for "small portion crockpot recipes" I finally just decided I would tweak recipes to not make enough to serve an army. Here is what I made the other night that still has me wishing there were leftovers!
Skinny Southwest Crockpot Chicken Salad Bowls
Chicken breasts (you can pretty much use any amount of chicken. I used .66 lbs because like I said above I was just trying to make enough for my boyfriend and I with enough for me to take leftovers for lunch)
For the Chicken:
1 can diced tomatoes with green chiles, drained
1 can of black beans, drained
1 cup of frozen corn
1 can of low sodium chicken broth
Half of a green pepper, diced
Salt and Pepper to taste (I just threw a few shakes in)
Spices: Chili Powder, Garlic Powder, Cayenne Pepper (1 tsp of each) and then 2 TBSP of low sodium taco seasoning (I used Mrs Dash)
tip - I pretty much always use taco seasoning when a recipe is "mexicany" in any way. It gives it a good boost of flavor!
For the salad base:
1 bag of romaine lettuce shreds and 1 bag of iceberg lettuce shreds (thought I would be fancy by mixing up the lettuce varieties but it doesn't really matter what kind you use)
1 package of pre-made pico de gallo - or make your own
Salsa and plain greek yogurt for topping (I mixed some taco seasoning and tabasco sauce in my greek yogurt mixture to give it some additional flavor and liked how it turned out)
Combine all ingredients listed for the chicken into a crockpot (don't forget your liner! Ain't nobody got time to scrub dishes!) and set on low for 8-10 hours. I was working from home for the day so I put everything in mid morning and let it cook for about 9 hours. I constantly found myself in the kitchen lifting the lid and taking a whiff of this southwestern goodness! After 8-10 hours scoop out the chicken pieces and move to a larger bowl where you can use 2 forks to shred the chicken up. I found that it was pretty much already shredded up at this point but I just made sure all the pieces were broken up. I then scooped out all the corn, beans, and tomatoes and added them to the chicken mixture leaving only the liquids in the Crockpot. Add your chicken mixture to your salad base and voila - it's like you are eating a Chipotle Burrito Bowl in the comfort of your own home! Enjoy!
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Hello Again + Pinterest Challenge
Well hello there! Clearly blogging wasn't in the cards for me in 2013, but hoping that 2014 will be a different game! I discovered a ton of fun blogs last year that I enjoy stalking reading daily which have inspired me to get back on the blog train! I also made a new years resolution to attempt to utilize more of my 4000+ Pinterest pins and plan to share those pinning attempts here. Here is a look at how the first full week of 2014 pinned, I mean played out:
1. Crock Pot Orange Chicken (1.2.14)
My first ever recipe in my new Crockpot that Santa brought me that I am now OBSESSED with! What took me so long to get on board?
2. Leopard, Red, and Denim (1.3.14)
(original inspiration pin had a shady link) Excuse my selfie...I thought I was being cute by mimicking the exact stance of the model but now realize I just look like a goof!
3. My Fit Foods Dupes from The Slender Student (1.5.14)
(via my instagram)
Seriously. Go out and buy the ingredients in her shopping list (how convenient of her right?) and make these now! You will thank yourself in the morning when you don't have to scramble around to pack a lunch and you will also get to enjoy a healthy tasty lunch! FYI these are a little on the spicy side but can be adjusted.
4. Puffy Vest and Plaid (1.7.14)
(original inspiration pin found here)
I love my new puffy vest from Old Navy! I was pumped to find it on sale while home in San Antonio for Christmas! It is sold out online, but you may still be able to snag it in a store near you!
5. & 6. Coral, Denim, and Leopard with a "Fake" knot tied scarf
(original inspiration pin found here)
7. Pink and Black
Not that exciting but it was an outfit I pin I attempts to use so it counts! I didn't take a pic of my own outfit, but I styled it with my new Old Navy sweater (which I got on sale for $8!) over a pink long sleeved shirt I got at the Gap a few years ago paired with leggings. It was a comfy outfit but left me feeling a little blah (hence why there was not a pic ha!).
8. Southwest Crockpot Chicken
Original recipe found here. I altered it a little and served it on top of lettuce shreds with pico de gallo, salsa, and a scoop of greek yogurt mixed with taco seasoning. It was delicious!! We loved it and I have a feeling this will become a repeat dish!
9. Mustard Jeans and Stripes
(original inspiration pin found here)
This was my "casual friday" outfit from last week. Oh how I wish I could wear jeans every day...or even better - leggings!!
I always seem to find myself pinning a bajillion scarf tying tutorials but never end up attempting them. However, I have a feeling this one will become my new go-to method. It is much better than the lumpy awkward knot I used to find myself tying!
To follow me in this 2014 pin-teresting experiment, you can follow the Pinterest board here!
Linking up with Meg today!